Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Good Morning, My name is Evans Hilas and you are highly welcome. Today I wanna be talking about change which is the most constant thing in this world. Change is always constant because things keep changing, people keep changing and every other thing could easily change. You see, I wanna let you know you can do whatever you want, you could be whatever you wanna be, it doesn't just matter if nobody believes in you, just believe in yourself and in God cos that's all you need. Just dare to believe in yourself and see what you could do by merely trusting in yourself. And if you find yourself in any situation you don't like, you can change it with your mouth because the worlds were framed by words spoken by God. So you could speak to any situation today and command it to change in Jesus Name. Now about the Name of Jesus, you need to be born again before you could receive the authority to use this name and let it work for you. So if you ain't born again, just say what you see now at loud. "Father in the name of Jesus, I come to you, I ask that you come into my heart, I ask you to become the Lord and personal savior of my life, I receive the remission of sins, I receive eternal life into my spirit, I am born again in Jesus Name. Amen. If you just said that prayer, I want you to know that you are born again, thak you and don't forget to go to church cos its very important. Have a nice day. Thanks.

Monday, September 28, 2009

It's a new dawn

It's a fresh new day and I want you know that the day is a blessing from God to man, thats why its neccessary to thank God every morning when you wake up. You see my title is "it's a new dawn" so I want you to forget all the mistakes of yesterday and focus on today. you see, today is the connection between yesterday and tommorrow but the good news is you can be a better you today if only you want to be. Focus on today, if you ever wanna think, just plan about tommorrow and don't worry because you ain't gonna change situations if you keep worrying. So relax, plan and have a nice day because today is a blessing. Thanks.